Making FIFA 20 Coins With Trading Unpopular Informs
This is a method that isn’t too time-consuming and returns a decent profit if carried out correctly. To get started with this method you need to gather a list of IF players you are thinking about trading with, possibly 3 or 4 to begin with, try to look outside the 4 most popular leagues. Then, either manually or by visiting a site like U4GM FIFA 20 Coins, check their live market prices. Try to avoid the three most popular leagues, as most people trade them and are aware of the IF prices.
So the trading would be go something like this:
If the price of the lowest BIN for sale is LESS than the 2nd or 3rd lowest player for sale + taxes, then buy it and relist it.
You either use BUY NOW for this, or check if there are any players listed with low bids on the market, and bid for them to see if you can win them. The prices of these rarer IF players can have a fairly large difference so it is important to check this.
This is a particularly amazing method to use during the night as lots of these players are in markets that don’t get tracked at all or by very few people.
One of our favorite examples of making a HUGE amount of FIFA 20 coins was from FIFA 19, Eliaquim Mangala of FC Porto from the Liga Portuguesa who had an 82 IF card. Because of the speculation linking him with a move to the BPL and him having a good nationality (French) for chemistry links he suited this trading method perfectly.
U4GM looked for his 2nd lowest card for sale which was at 22,500 and then U4GM would look to spot ones for sale anywhere around the 17,500 coins mark, we would then buy this card and relist at 22,000 BIN.
So when he sold, we would be making 22,000 -1,100 (5% tax), therefore leaving us with 20,900 Coins which would be a 4,400 profit on our initial investment. We were easily managing to sell 30 of these a day, that’s 132k, multiply that by 7 and you’ve got 924k per week on this trading method alone!
TOP TIP — Try to stay clear of recently released IF players. Their prices fluctuate too much in the early stages and they can lose enormous value in just a few hours. Let the card price settle before trying this method (2–3 weeks after release)