Phasmophobia Update patch notes
Phasmophobia has launched its update, so here is the complete list of changes and additions with this patch. This update acts as a continuation of yesterday’s main exposure patch, whose details can be found here. With a lot of corrections and some minor changes in the game, experience should be much more fluid than with 0.3.0. It’s great to see that the team behind the game is approaching the problems as diligently as they are doing. However, without further preamble, these are the News of Phasmophobia update!
Phasmophobia Update patch notes
Options were added to toggle the postprocessing effects of film grain and chromatic aberration
The evidence of the DOTS projector will now be activated much more frequently and now will work in large rooms The ghost search delay has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds the Glowstick light now lasts 1 minute and vanishes at half of intensity in 10 seconds (no longer turned off) Phantom replaced Write with more readable images The blur of the video cameras was eliminated The subtle fault effect of all the cameras causing the dizziness were updated to prevent the interface from User will be displayed through them several lights were updated in the game to improve performance, the light range for the lighter was significantly reduced
An error was corrected by which the parabolic microphone did not allow you to hear paranormal sounds, an error was corrected in which the CCTV system would break if a player died with a head-mounted camera were corrected several performance problems with the cameras of Video and CCTV LIV VR: Possible solution for the model character showing over yourself In the viewer’s view, an error was corrected by which the reflections of the screen space did not work were corrected the grip rotations of the virtual reality equipment For some teams, an error was corrected in which the Smudge Stick had two right hands for virtual reality was corrected an error by which your FOV restarted on the main menu screen after running if you changed your FOV corrected an error by the which could be placed moving sensors on the floor was corrected an error in which a DOTS projector could be placed on certain objects
As I said, there is nothing super striking in Phasmophobia update However, for those who care about the details, the delay in hunting ghosts increased in a second is a big problem. Having that second extra to escape from the ghost is a big problem, especially now that you have the increased speed to reach the hiding places.
Phasmophobia is available exclusively in PC. For more information about this update, see the official blog post.