Terriforners leader guide

MMO Guides
9 min readApr 21, 2022


Our Teraforers Leader Guide will tell you everything you need to know about the people in charge of your cities in this Simulator of Colonies of Construction of Asteroid Lab.

How terformers Labor of Leaders

A Teraforers The leader is a charismatic person responsible for your efforts to colonize Mars. Each of them has its own unique skills that manifest three skills (two of which are unique) and a specialization.

All leaders have the “explore” ability by default; This allows them to reveal an unexplored location at the cost of 2 or more power. Explore the location of a planet also gives you a number of resources according to the icons that are displayed in the mosaic.

The other two skills, however, are exclusive from each leader. This is what matters most when you select new leaders when the time is about the elections. As a basic rule, you should consider what you need most and choose the appropriate leader for that goal.

It should be noted that some leaders have the same skill as another leader and, in some cases, those skills can have different results. For example, both HOPE O’Malley and Jagrav Varman have the “Rally Speech” ability and it works exactly the same for each of them. On the contrary, Thomas Foster and Arthur Foster have the ability “mining resources”, but Thomas Foster obtains +5 resources by default and Arthur Foster obtains +10 resources by default.

How terformers Leader Specializations Work

Each terraformer leader also has a specialization. This is a passive bonus that works separately from the skills. Critically, specializations are maintained after a leader leaves, which gives him a permanent passive bonus.

Some specializations are quite simple. Henry Carnegie has the specialization “cheap mines” that reduces the cost of building mines by 25%.

Other types of specializations grant bonuses after completing a goal. Alex Madiba has the specialization “Boost nitrates” that increases its production of nitrates in 1 per 3 new nitrates that it begins to produce, which gives it an increase of 33% in production. There are quite a few other specializations that work similarly.

How to unlock more terraformers leaders

Not all terformers The leader is available at the beginning of the game: you will have to play through scenarios and level up in your account to unlock more. That said, you can reach the maximum level for the release of Early Access in about 4 hours, so you should not take too long to get access to all those who are currently in the game.

Teraforers List of leaders and strategies

We have listed each terrafts Leader that we have found in the game to date along with the best way to use them.

Aishe Jäger.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Import lifestyle: propose 2 forms of life, choose 1. This action can be performed 5 times by this leader.
  • Genetic modification: Resistance to cold: Reduces the heat requirement of a lifestyle in 1. This leader can perform this action once. Lifestyles can only have a genetic modification.


  • Efficient animal spreaders: construction of buildings with animal spreaders costs 40% less water.

The best way to use Aishe Jäger

Aishe Jäger has to do with animals and life forms. If you do not need to explore, you can use it to quickly build your repertoire of life forms available through your ability to import lifestyle.

Alex Madiba.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Farm — Farm +5 Food.
  • Breach Aquifer — converts a water tank that is not yours in an ocean.


  • Boost nitrates: increases its nitrate production in 1 per 3 new nitrates that he starts to produce.

The best way to use Alex Madiba

Alex Madiba is a strong leader at the beginning of the game due to the ability of him to instantly generate +5 of food. Except for that, he can play the long game becoming water tanks without an owner in oceans at no cost.

Anastasia Dromedo.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Eureka: Investigate all the projects suggested in this turn for free.
  • Speech of independence: convinces the population of a city that Mars should be independent. When most of your population is convinced, Martian independence is declared.
  • Independence: Independence increases the global comfort of life in 1, but generates 2 negative support per shift by active commercial route with Earth.


  • Climate variety: When you find a new city, I win +5 [Support] per turn if it is the first city in its climatic zone.

The best way to use Anastasia Dromedo

Anastasia Dromedo is a difficult leader to use. The skill of her eureka of her is excellent if you are running out of projects. The real challenge with it, however, is the ability of independence: it will introduce pretty bad negative penalties if you have active commercial routes with Earth. Do not use this skill lightly.

Arturo foster.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Mining resources: Select a resource deposit. Extracts 10 of that resource, with a +1 bonus for large deposits and +2 for giant deposits.
  • Land Movement: Destroy 5 free rocks this turn.


  • TRITIUM BOOST: Increases its crushing production in 1 for every 2 new trities beginning to produce.

The best way to use Arthur Foster

Arthur Foster is best used for its capacity for mining resources. Win 10–12 of a resource chosen per shift is phenomenally useful, especially at the beginning of the game.

Ayesha Khatri.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Wastewater treatment plant: Build a wastewater treatment plant for free.
  • Wastewater treatment plant — +1 Water per turn if the city has at least 4 population. The adjacent population provides -1 support per shift. This project can only be played once per city. It must be built in a city.
  • Convert resources: convert 3 silicates into +10 titanium.


  • Recycling of rocks: Remove a rock provides +1 titanium.

The best way to use Ayesha Khatri

While the Ayesha Khatri residual water treatment plant is an interesting building, its true power lies in its resource conversion capacity and its rock recycling specialization. The ability to obtain a free titanium every time you destroy a rock is certainly pleasant, but the ability to convert resources is not parallel: You must use it at every opportunity to quickly accumulate a large amount of titanium.



  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Alternative spatial materials: Provide 3 random resources in each of your spatial projects. It only applies once by space project.
  • Space Hotels — Start construction from Space Hotels.
  • Space hotels — Space Project. It costs 10 of titanium. Provides +10 support per turn.


  • Tourism: The new location updates that provide support or comfort of life provide +2 support per shift.

The best way to use DEJAH ROBINSON

Leaveh Robinson is excellent to help Space Projects advance. The skill of spatial hotels gives you a guaranteed space project, avoiding bad luck to fuck you.

Flora Norouzi.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Import lifestyle: propose 2 forms of life, choose 1. This action can be performed 7 times by this leader.
  • Accelerate the proliferation of life: reduces the recharge time of all LifeForm Spreader buildings in 1 turn.


  • Efficient plant spreaders: The construction of plant spreaders buildings cost 40% less than nitrates.

The best way to use Flora Norouzi

Flora Norouzi will give your life dissemination activities a big kick into the pants. Her’s ability to accelerate the proliferation of life will allow you to spread bacteria quickly throughout Mars and, in turn, increase your income from resources from such bacteria.

Gustav Mirzoyán.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Energy savings: Generate 5 energy.
  • Applied Research — 2 more projects are proposed in this shift. Win +3 science.


  • Advanced automatic learning: increases its scientific production in 1 per 7 robots that it builds.

The best way to use Gustav Mirzoyan

Gustav Mirzoyan’s specialization is not very useful unless you lean a lot about robots. That said, the ability to generate proposals for power, science and projects make it a polyvalent generic leader.

Henry Carnegie.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • CO2 imports — Gane +4 atmosphere and +4 heat.
  • Mine ventilation: Choose a mine, immediately produce +5 heat and +5 atmosphere, as well as -25 support by resource that extracts. It can only be done once per mine.


  • Cheap mines: Minas construction costs 25% less resources.

The best way to use Henry Carnegie

It is not mistaken about it: Henry Carnegie is one of the best leaders of the TerraFormation of the game. Avoid using the skill of him Mine Venting of him since the disadvantages are quite serious for what you get. Instead, you should blow up the CO2 imports in each turn: you will arrive at the first heat stage before he finishes his command, and will also make great progress in atmosphere.

Hong Tao.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Industrial lobby: Get 2 water, titanium, tritium, nitrates and silicates.
  • Trade Center — Build Trade Center for free.
  • Shopping Center — +1 Commercial Route for every 3 populations in the city. +1 Trade Route for every 3 robots in the city. This project can only be played once per city. It must be built in a city.


  • Solar Roads: Win +1 power per turn for every 10 new expansions you acquire.

The best way to use Hong Tao

Hong Tao can get you some additional commercial routes, but your industrial lobbying skill is a much better use of your turn. 10 resources is much more useful than anything else in your repertoire.

Esperanza O’Malley


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Rally Speech: Select a city. Win +10 of population support. A leader can only speak once in each city.
  • Cultural festivals — 8 water accelerates and gains +80 support.


  • Win +1 support per shift for every 8 new buildings that build.

The best way to use HOPE O’Malley

Hope O’Malley is the incomparable queen of support. If you have water (or commercial routes), your cultural festivals will allow you to get an impressive 80 support for only 8 water. If that is not an option, Rally Speech works as a backup to help you further improve your support.

Isabel Torres


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Import lifestyle: propose 2 forms of life, choose 1. This action can be performed 7 times by this leader.
  • Genetic modification: Lower rain requirements: reduces the rain requirement of a lifestyle in 1 (minimum = 1). This action can be performed 2 times by this leader. Lifestyles can only have a genetic modification.


  • Oxygen impulse: increases its oxygen production in 1 per 4 new oxygen starting to produce.

The best way to use Isabella Torres

Isabella Torres allows you to play with life forms like many other leaders, but the specialization of it is where she really shines; It is effectively an increase of 20% in the production of oxygen.

Jagrav Varman.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Rally Speech: Select a city. Win +10 of population support. A leader can only speak once in each city.
  • Astral temple: build an astral temple for free.
  • Astral temple — provides +5 support per turn. Bonus of +5 support per turn if it is placed in a high location. This project can only be played once by climatic z1. It should be built in a planet location.


  • Space Support: Obtain +1 support per turn for every 20 new resources than transport to progress in a space project.

The best way to use Jagrav Varman

The mobilization discourse of Jagrav Varman is good to quickly increase support, but its astral temples are much more useful if you have room to build them. The support +5 (or +10 if built in a high location) will help you in the long term.



  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Earth movements: destroy 2 free rocks this turn.
  • Modular apartments: Build modular apartments just for your food cost.
  • Modular apartments — costs 30 foods. Accommodation. +1 Population. +3 Support per turn If you are next to at least 1 more modular apartment. It must be built in a city.


  • Rural construction: the construction of regional buildings costs 15% less resources.

The best way to use Jorge Dromedo

Jorge Dromdo brings the unique building “Modular apartments” to the table, allowing him to obtain support bonuses when building them side by side. That is what is better.

Lena Kertész.


  • Explore: Explore a location for a cost of energy.
  • Cultural festivals -…



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