World of WarCraft: The Burning Crusade Classic: Update 2.5.2: Lady Vashj und Kael’thas warten

MMO Guides
1 min readSep 17, 2021


For World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic today appears in Europe the content update Gentlemen of the Shardwelt . The update turns the animal 5-battles the Cave of the Snake Schrein with Lady Vashj in the Zangarmarschen and the fortress of storms with Kael’thas sun hikers in the Netherstorm free. To get to the fortress of the storms, one needs a flying breed. In addition, it is necessary to complete the famous-noticed long forward quest rows to enter the battles. An overview of the necessary quests can be found here. In addition to the two new raids, guild banks, other functions for group search and new daily quests in the Sky Guard of Sha’tari and the Ogres of Ogri’la are installed. The second PVP arena season is also started. The Change-Log for Patch 2.5.2 can be found here. Last current video: survival councilors for Burning Crusade Classic



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